Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Set-up Eclipse workspace in RAM

I just published an article about how to set-up your Eclipse workspace in RAM to make I/O (almost) instantaneous. It was promised in the "Eclipse perfomance optimisation article", and now it's here: http://blog.normation.com/2010/07/27/set-up-eclipse-workspace-in-ram/

And like last time, any information about Eclipse optimization is much appreciated !

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Java LDAP SDK for SyncRepl replication showcase

I just published a post on my company blog about how to implement a SyncRepl client using two different Java LDAP SDK, Apache DS and UnboundID: 


SyncRepl is a replication protocol for LDAP, normalized in RFC 4533.  

The demonstration is done with a showcase web application that display in real time modification done in an LDAP server. 
The application, named Syweno, was developed in Scala, thanks to Liftweb and it's amazing Comet. It looks like:

Of course, update are synchronized thank to SyncRepl, and are propagated to the web page in real time thanks to Comet updates. 

The code source is available on github here: http://github.com/fanf/syweno

Enjoy !

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Scala 2.8.0 is out

The most awaited Scala version of all time (ok, it's easy for now...) is out, at last !

Congratulation to every body who contributed to make it happens, and long life to Scala post-2.8.0. After a brilliant childhood, perhaps it is time for the unruly teenager to quieten down a little and conquer the industrial world !

The official link:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Scala dreaded underscore @ PSUG

(orignal content from http://blog.normation.com/2010/07/01/scala-dreaded-underscore-psug  )

On the evening of June 30th 2010, the Paris Scala User Group organized its second event.
This time, there were two presentations:

  • in the first one, Alexis Agahi, our kind user group leader, made a feedback after one year of scala experience. It’s available here.
  • the second one was given by your servitor, and deals with each and every use case of underscores in the Scala language – I hope I didn’t miss any.
    It’s available here.
See you next time on PSUG!

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